Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Biological Determinism :: essays research papers

Biological Determinism1.      According to the former of the article "All in the Genes?", there is nointrinsic causality between genetics and intelligence. The author analysesdifferent aspects of biological determinism, and supplies many examples, whichillustrate aspects of this problem that are being discussed since the timewhen these ideas became popular. He does non agree with biological deterministthat the intellectual operation of a person depends on genes inherited fromhis parents. There are a lot of different theories about intellectualcapabilities. All these theories reflect different points of views, depending onthe period of time the authors of these theories lived.     The author argues for the theory that in the nineteenth century ,artificial barriers in social hierarchy prevented people from achieving higherintellectual performance. In the end of XX century, in close to places thesebarriers were removed by the democra tic fulfilles, and nothing artificial canstand between the natural sorting process and social status of the people. Thesechanges can not be considered as historical because the age of democracy is justtwo hundred years , and the time when diversity between classes and betweenpeople was a natural situation is almost as long as the history of the world .     The author insists that there is no connection between environmentaldifferences and genetics. In support of his idea the author state that anyCanadian student can perform better in mathematics than some ancient professorsof mathematics. The author comes to the conclusion that changes in a culturalenvironment are the main factor that determines level of intellectualperformance, not inherited combination of parents genes . He argues thatgenetic differences that appear in one environment may easily disappear inanother. A theory that tally were raised in different social conditions willhave the same level of int ellectual performance because identical geneticsconstitution was used by the ideologist of biological determinism. The authorrejects this theory because from his point of view, all these cases cannot beconsidered as always reliable on a close look, in most cases, twins wereraised by the members of the same family or in other words, not in a diametricalopposite level of society. The author believes that there is no convincingmeasure of the role of genes in influencing human behavioural variation.     During the argumentation of questions of biological determinism, theauthor supports his idea with numerous examples. He gives examples of supportersof bio determinism and outlines that these examples are not reliable. One of thefallacies of biological determinism is the result of IQ testing. According tosome scientist only 20% of performance depend on environment and other 80%

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